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Writer's pictureBespoke Media Group

Is your relationship strategy up to scratch?

In a rapidly evolving landscape where technology continues to shape and redefine industries,

Bespoke Media’s CEO Nic Fren offers a thought-provoking perspective on the potential consequences of excessive reliance on technology in the industry.

Mr Fren, a staunch advocate of leveraging technology to enhance business systems and operations, questions whether the current heavy dependence on tech solutions might inadvertently overshadow the essence of human connection and relationship-building in the real estate domain.

"Tech's role in transforming the real estate industry is undeniable, and its integration has undoubtedly brought immense efficiency and convenience to various aspects of our work," he says. "However, it's crucial to reflect on whether we are striking a harmonious balance between automation and personal interaction."

Acknowledging the undeniable staying power of technology and the imminent rise of AI-driven automation, poised to reshape and streamline many processes in the real estate realm.

Yet, he asks a fundamental question: What impact does this tech-driven transformation have on agents in the long run, especially those starting out?

With the industry witnessing a shift from traditional methods such as cold calls and door-knocking to digital approaches like social media ads and automated prospecting, emerging agents face the challenge of differentiating themselves in a sea of sameness.

The industry's transformation has seen a shift from manual outreach to digital campaigns.

"While the idea of delegating marketing and prospecting tasks may seem enticing, we need to consider whether we risk automating ourselves out of the very core of our profession – building and nurturing relationships," Mr Fren points out.

Reflecting on the evolution of the real estate landscape, Mr Fren reminisces about the days of door-knocking, handwritten notes, and personalised interactions that laid the foundation for lasting connections.

These strategies, he argues, must not be lost in the wave of technological advancements. As he suggests, personalising relationship-building strategies is equally vital as perfecting automated approaches for agents striving to remain competitive and ensure long-term success in the industry.

Highlighting several strategies that agents, both established and newcomers, can implement to infuse the human touch back into their business:

Personalised Handwritten Notes: Sending handwritten thank-you notes, holiday cards, or personalised messages after meetings or property viewings adds a personal touch that stands out in today's digital age. Even Christmas cards. Start now, December will be here before we know it. People will forget or delete the 100th email coming through wishing them a Merry Christmas, but they will open a Christmas card envelope.

Attend Local Events: Participating in community events, fairs, and neighbourhood gatherings allows you to interact with potential clients in a casual and non-salesy environment.

Door-Knocking: Traditional door-to-door visits to introduce yourself, share market updates, and offer valuable insights about the neighbourhood can create a strong impression. Don’t go door knocking asking if someone is selling though. Leave them with something of value.

Networking Groups: Join local business and networking groups to meet other professionals and community members, fostering relationships that can lead to referrals and collaborations.

Host Workshops or Seminars: Organise workshops on topics related to real estate, such as home buying tips, investment strategies, or property maintenance, to position yourself as an expert and engage potential clients.

Personalised Follow-Ups: After property showings, meetings, or interactions, follow up with a personal phone call or a handwritten follow-up letter to express your interest and maintain a personal connection. Falling that, even a personal email. While most people coming through your open homes will get a generic thank you for visiting email, add a personal touch.

Collaborate with Local Businesses: Partner with local businesses like home improvement stores, moving companies, or interior designers to provide exclusive deals or collaborate on community events.

Volunteer: Engaging in community service projects not only benefits your neighbourhood but also allows you to meet and connect with fellow volunteers who could be potential clients.


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