Some of us use use Instagram, some prefer Facebook or LinkedIn while others are smashing it on Twitter. Whatever your platform of choice is, the golden rule applies. Be social when on social.
The thing I love about social media is it gives everyone a chance
- Nic Fren
Here are some ways to engage:
Use Twitter’s search function to find people that are looking to buy or rent homes or apartments and offer advice.
Retweet or share interesting content about your neighborhood or the real estate industry in general – be sure to comment or tweet back to the original poster to let them know you enjoyed their content.
Join real estate related groups on Facebook or Instagram for people looking for apartments or properties in your area. Comment with helpful advice.I know of Bondi Local Loop for example. I'm sure there's one or two in your area also.
Join the conversation around relevant real estate hashtags. Stuck as to which ones to use? Check these out top 30
(your name/office name)
Note: Don’t spam your networks by simply posting links to your properties. The key is to offer up useful advice and be a part of the conversation.

Your personality is your selling point
When posting on social media, let your personality shine through. We are in a personality-driven market. Find an interesting angle and be yourself. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Be the most authentic you possible.” Being authentic makes you more personable and potential clients will see you as someone they’d like to work with.

Video stands out
Sharing video with your followers will help you stand out. Video gets further reach and, thanks to autoplay, is more eye-catching than photos or text as people scroll past it in their Facebook or Twitter feeds.
Here are some ideas for ways to use video:
Showcase available properties with listing videos.
Create a video bio to let potential clients learn more about you. You can use this as the featured video on your Facebook business page or on your YouTube channel.
Create videos showcasing the selling points of your neighborhood.
Show off your expertise with videos featuring tips for homeowners, buyers, and sellers.
The 80/20 rule
80% of the content you develop and share should be about your customers. It should be content that will help them solve challenges and peak their interest on personal level.
20% of the content you develop and share can be sales-related, talking about yourself and your listings.
You don’t want to overwhelm your followers by spamming them with advertising, so be sure to keep your promotional content to a minimum (20% or less). For the other 80% here are some things to focus on:
Lifestyle content
Neighborhood-related content and events
Tips for staging homes
Tips for moving
Tips for buyers or sellers
Driving traffic

Of course, even if you aren’t being blatantly promotional on social media, ultimately you’d like to drive traffic back to your website or your listings.
That’s why it’s important to make it clear how people can contact you or find out more information about what you have to offer. Be sure to include links and contact information in your bio or page descriptions.
For more info on how we can guide you to social media success, please get in touch.